The Heartland Association of Jungian Analysts (HAJA)
In honor of psyche, we seek to provide quality, experiential, transformative learning. The Heartland Association of Jungian Analysts (HAJA) provides rich, experiential learning in the depth psychology of C. G. Jung to participants who have applied and been accepted. Our monthly seminars welcome participants who are interested in delving into Jungian thought and practice and are willing to explore their own life-journey in this focused context.
The objectives of HAJA are to create a safe yet challenging community of learning in the field of Jungian depth analysis. We endeavor to transform both the individual and society through the process of bringing the unconscious to consciousness and thus creating greater universal consciousness.
HAJA Website | 2019-20 HAJA Application
Jungian Psychotherapy Program and Jungian Studies Program available at the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago
The Jungian Psychotherapy Program (JPP) and the Jungian Studies Program (JSP) are two-year programs where participants together study the fundamentals of Jungian theory grounded in experiential learning. The program year which runs from October to June provides learners 144 hours of instruction in Jungian theory, 54 hours of small group consultation, and 36 hours of large group process. Classes are taught primarily by Jungian psychoanalysts, with specialists utilized as needed based on their particular skill set.
A clinically-oriented program, the JPP offers licensed mental health and social service professionals an opportunity to enrich and deepen their work through didactic and experiential learning in Analytical Psychotherapy. The JSP, developed for non-clinicians, provides those outside the licensed professions the opportunity to develop and deepen an understanding of Jungian theory and application of Jungian thought. Both programs co-participate in theory instruction hours. Small group consultation occurs separately for each program, with a focus on clinical material for the JPP and more theoretical direction for the JSP. Learn more
Analyst Training Program and Jungian Study Groups available at the C.G. Jung Institute of Colorado
Our analytic training program is primarily conducted nine weekends out of the year, from September through May, and consists of seminars (“study groups”), tutorial groups, and group case consultation (“case seminars”). Those are the specific classes that the training candidates attend, and there are other details of the training experience that are outlined in the Training Regulations. A good way for individuals to connect with the program is to attend the study groups, which are attended by a mixture of analytic training candidates, therapists, and various other adult learners. These groups are open to individuals who have some prior study of Jungian thought and who are in personal analysis, and they are a pre-requisite for application to the training program. Each year, we require our students to read and study a substantial amount of C.G. Jung’s original texts, as we consider his work to be the foundation of our training program. Our seminars are designed to encourage individual students to find their own way of connecting to Jungian psychology specifically, and to depth psychology in general. Learn more
Memphis Inter-Regional Analyst Training Program
The seminar program for MAJS is organized as a year-long series of intensive weekend programs. The seminar generally meets on a consecutive Saturday and Sunday, one weekend per month from September through May. The training program consists of academic courses and case discussion with MJS faculty as well as visiting faculty analysts. Our September meeting is organized as a retreat focused on the presentation and discussion of participant dreams in group format. The May retreat uses the same format but each participant presents a symbolic and personal analysis of a myth or fairytale. Learn more