The approach to this group could be deemed a Jungian Bible study group (although there is no need to bring a Bible). The emphasis will be on the psychological process of personality integration in modern man reflected in the story of the life of Christ. Mythological, symbolic, and Gnostic aspects of Christ, those that relate to the individuation process, will be explored in detail. Therefore, this book study applies to people of all faiths and religious backgrounds.
Participants will need to purchase a copy of The Christian Archetype: A Jungian Commentary on the Life of Christ by Edward F. Edinger. Rick also suggests
- Jung and the Lost Gospels by Stephan A. Hoeller
- The Gnostic Gospels: The Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Judas, and the Acts of John
When purchasing texts, note that Amazon Smile benefits this Jung Society.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the symbolism and mythology in the life of Christ and how it applies to integration of the personality.
- Understand the Gnostic origins of Jung’s theories on the individuation process.
- Explore and discuss Jung’s theory of the “Christification of many,” also called the “continuing incarnation.”
- Study of the Ego-Self paradox and the inherent dangers in the experience of the transpersonal self.
- Consider how the synchronistic event of Jung’s discovery of the Coniunctio with the Pope’s declaration of the Assumption and Coronation of Mary in 1950 reconciles the Western psyche.
Rick has been in an intensive study of Jungian thought since 2011 including two years of analysis with a Jungian diplomate analyst. He has been a video producer of more than 40 Jungian presentations and is a Jung Society of St. Louis Board member. He is also a teacher of music video for Lewis & Clark Community College in Godfrey, IL.
Rick’s unique perspective comes partly from his experience with being a member of what many would call a Christian messianic cult where the savior archetype was substantially activated in the leader as well as the followers. He attributes his Jungian study and his time in Jungian analysis to his ability to individuate from such an extreme religious entanglement.