Video Access: Realignment 2020 — An Archetypal View of Transformational Times: Webinar Presented by Dr. Laurence Hillman

Video access pricing: Friends – $21.25; Others – $25; Full time students – $2.50

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*CEs are no longer available for this event. To explore other opportunities for earning CEs through the C.G. Jung Society of St. Louis, visit our upcoming events page here.



Students: You must use a current university email address to complete your registration.


Note that this product is intended for those who did not register for the C.G. Jung Society of St. Louis’s “Realignment 2020” screening but would like to purchase access to the videotaped event.

Once you have made your purchase, a link to the video will appear on the confirmation page and will be sent to the email associated with your purchase. When you open the video you will have the option to download it.

With the general understanding that “we can take any what if we know why” astrologer Laurence Hillman will explain the extraordinary planetary alignments of our times and what they mean for the collective and for each one of us. Blending his renowned renegade thinking with traditional astrological wisdom, Dr. Hillman both provokes and soothes by showing us how we are all part of a Larger Order of Things that can be read and understood through the movements in the heavens. He will also introduce a novel way to grasp our personal archetypal patterns and relate them to events in the collective.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Comprehend key ideas that link archetypal psychology and archetypal astrology.
  • Be able to list the astrological concepts that define our age, including “Age of Aquarius” and archetypal Pluto and Saturn.
  • Gain an introductory ability to use the Archetypes at Work™ method for the self-assessment of their archetypal patterns.
  • Be able to relate the archetypal patterns of our times to their personal stories.
  • Have skills that relate to James Hillman’s concept of seeing through by developing an archetypal eye.

Dr. Laurence Hillman astrology jungian psychology lecturer

Born and raised in Zurich, Switzerland, Dr. Laurence Hillman became immersed in archetypes at the age of 16, and this has remained his passion for over 40 years. As a professional archetypal coach, he specializes in helping his clients understand their deeper purpose and their life’s calling — especially in these challenging times. In his role as a consultant, he helps leaders and organizations understand their archetypal patterns and advises on high-level decision making in organizations. His tools for mapping archetypes include archetypal astrology, for which he is one of the leading voices worldwide.

Dr. Hillman is the co-creator of Archetypes at Work™, a new cutting-edge method to assess and develop people and organizations to become fit for the future.

He has lectured internationally and conducted workshops at the Globe Theatre in London where he blended Shakespeare and Astrology. At the Cycles & Symbols Conference in California, he lectured on Venus in America (co-presented with his father James Hillman). He has also taught at Jean Houston’s Mystery School, at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Findhorn, and he has been a repeated guest lecturer at Washington University in St. Louis. He has taught small study groups and private students across the U.S. He is the author of Planets in Play: How to Reimagine Your Life Through the Language of Astrology, the co-author of Alignments: How to Live in Harmony with the Universe, and also the co-author of Archetypes at Work: Evolving your Story, One Character at a Time. He has published a wide variety of articles.

Dr. Hillman holds a Ph.D. in psychology with a focus on Transformative Leadership, an MBA, an MCM (Masters in Construction Management), as well as a degree in Architecture.

He has traveled extensively in more than 40 countries and is fluent in five languages. He lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with his wife Cindy.

Dr. Hillman suggests the following reading materials:

  1. Hillman, James. Re-Visioning Psychology. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
  2. Hillman, Laurence. Planets in Play: How to Reimagine Your Life Through the Language of Astrology. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2007.
  3. Hillman, Laurence. Archetypes at Work: Evolving your Story, one Character at a Time. Troubadour, London, UK, 2019.
  4. LeGrice, Keiron. The Archetypal Cosmos: Rediscovering the Gods in Myth, Science and Astrology. Cornwall, UK: TJ International, 2012.
  5. Tarnas, Richard. Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View. New York: Penguin, 2006.